The following is a list of program/degree corrections appended to this catalog:
(alpha order by program/degree)
Biochemistry, B.S.: Changes to degree include:
CHEM 401 Senior Integrated Lab: Satisfies UDGE Area B Met-In-Major course. Prerequisite: CHEM 255. CHEM 275 or 475(which may also be taken concurrently), senior standing. Completion of GE Areas A1, A2, A3 and B4 with a C- or better. Completion of GE Areas B1 and B2.
CHEM 115A General Chemistry: Content meets new GE Area B1 requirements
CHEM 275 Instrumental Analysis: Course number has been revised to be CHEM 475 and units have changed from 2 units to 3 units.
CHEM 496 Selected Topics: Units have changed to be 1-4.
CHEM 125AB Quantitative General Chemistry: has been removed from the majors as an option and the courses have been discontinued.
Chemistry, B.A.: Changes are same as above.
Chemistry, B.S.: Changes are same as above.
Early Childhood Studies, B.A.: EDEC 420 is no longer a major core requirement. EDEC 110, EDEC 411, and EDEC 450 are now required core courses.
Early Childhood Studies, Minor: EDEC 420 and EDEC 237 are no longer required core courses. EDEC 110 and EDEC 450 are now required courses. EDEC 237 is an elective.
Early Childhood Studies Integrated Teacher Education Program-Special Education: Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe: EDEC 420 is no longer a major core requirement. EDEC 110, EDEC 411, and EDEC 450 are now required courses.