Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 General Catalog 
2022-2023 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • MATH 316 - Graph Theory and Combinatorics

    See Addendum  for changes
    Unit(s): 4
    A study of combinatorics, probability, and graph theory. Topics will include the elements of set theory, counting techniques such as permutations and combinations, discrete probability, Hamiltonian and Eulerian properties of graphs, graph isomorphism, coloring and planarity. Additional topics may include the pigeonhole principle, the inclusion-exclusion principle, generating functions, partitions and recurrence relations, Polya’s theorem, matching, and trees, with applications in many disciplines. Students may not earn credit for both Math 316 and MATH 416.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MATH 220 or MATH 142 or CS 242 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    May Be Repeated Repeatable for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 320 - Modern Algebra I

    See Addendum  for changes
    Unit(s): 4
    An introduction to the theory of groups, rings, and fields. Topics covered include permutation and cyclic groups, factor groups, ideals and factor rings, and isomorphism and homomorphism theory of groups and rings.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MATH 220 or consent of instructor required.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 322 - Linear Algebra

    Unit(s): 4
    Topics include vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, linear equations, determinants, diagonalization, inner product spaces, and additional topics such as the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, Singular Value Decomposition, or Canonical Forms.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- of better in MATH 220 and (MATH 241 or MATH 222) or consent of instructor required.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    May Be Repeated Repeatable for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 330 - Techniques of Problem Solving

    Unit(s): 1
    Cultivates by experience and example the mental disciplines for generating creative solutions to challenging problems. The problems to be considered will be taken largely from recent examinations in the William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition, sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America. No more than 4 units of credit in this course may be applied toward any Mathematics degree.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MATH 161 or MATH 161X or MATH 161B or consent of instructor required.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    May Be Repeated May be taken four times for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Credit/No-Credit
  • MATH 340 - Real Analysis I

    Unit(s): 4
    Topics may include construction of the real numbers, sequences, topology of the real numbers, metric spaces, continuity, the derivative, and the Riemann integral.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MATH 220 and (MATH 241 or MATH 261) or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 345 - Probability Theory

    Unit(s): 4
    Topics include probability spaces, discrete and continuous random variables, selected probability distributions for random phenomena, distributions of functions of random variables, moment generating functions, expected value, covariance and correlation, conditional expectation, law of large numbers and central limit theorem, and sampling distribution of estimators.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MATH 261 or Math 261 can be taken concurrently, or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 345E - Probability Theory for Engineering

    Unit(s): 2
    Lecture: 2 hours
    This is a two-unit one-half semester introduction to probability theory for Engineering students. Topics covered include basic set theory, probability, combatorics, discrete and continuous random variables, probability distribution and density functions, first and second moments, and functions of random variables.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 211 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Not Recently Offered
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MATH 352 - Numerical Analysis

    Unit(s): 4
    Selected numerical and iterative processes for solving mathematical problems and their applications. Topics include finding roots with bisection and Newton’s method; solving systems of linear equations using LU decomposition and Gauss-Seidel methods; polynomial approximation using Taylor’s Theorem, Lagrange interpolations, and the theory of spline functions; numerical integration using Simpson’s rule and Gaussian integration; numerical solutions to ODEs using Euler’s and modified Euler’s method.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MATH 241 (or may take Math 241 concurrently), MATH 180, CS 115 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    May Be Repeated Repeatable for credit..
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 367 - Statistical Consulting and Communication

    Unit(s): 2
    This course is a blending of theoretical and practical aspects of statistical consulting. Students learn how to consult with professionals in various fields, find creative statistical solutions to real-world problems, and present results in oral and written form. Students also learn about research and statistical software packages.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MATH 265 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MATH 375 - M*A*T*H Colloquium

    Unit(s): 1
    Students will be required to attend M*A*T*H talks, keep a journal, and write a significant paper on one of the talks. No more than 3 units may be applied to the upper-division major or minor requirements. May not be taken concurrently with MATH 175.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of at least 60 semester units
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be taken three times for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 381 - Computing for Statistics: SAS Programming Language

    Unit(s): 2
    Students will learn how to write SAS programs in order to perform data management tasks, statistical analysis, and to generate summary graphs and SAS reports. Topics include essential programming concepts (the environment and steps); typical data processing tasks; data management techniques (working with SAS libraries and different types of data, data set input and output, validation, merging, and subsets); statistical analyses (descriptive statistics, histograms and bar charts, k analysis of variance, regression analysis); and generation of SAS reports.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- of better in MATH 265 or concurrent enrollment in Math 265.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 390 - Fieldwork and Seminar: Secondary Mathematics Teaching

    Unit(s): 2
    Forty-five hours of observation in middle school, junior high, and/or high school mathematics classrooms, plus a weekly seminar. Students begin to view school mathematics from the vantage point of a teacher. Intended primarily for Mathematics majors in the secondary teaching track or students considering a career in this field. This course satisfies the 45 hours of field observation Required for acceptance into SSU’s Single Subject Credential Program, and initiates the development of the Mathematics Portfolio required for Mathematics majors in the secondary teaching track.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MATH 161 or MATH 161X or MATH 161B or consent of instructor required.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Credit/No-Credit
  • MATH 399 - Practicum in Mathematics

    Unit(s): 1-4
    Supervised unpaid instructional work experience in Mathematics. May include tutoring, assisting with classroom activities, and leading supplementary course workshops. Thirty hours of contact time is required for each unit. Does not count for credit in the major or the minor, except for one unit in the Integrated Program.

    Prerequisite(s): requires previous or concurrent enrollment in an upper-division mathematics course and consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Variable Intermittently
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for up to 4 units of credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Credit/No-Credit
  • MATH 416 - Graph Theory and Combinatorics

    Unit(s): 4
    A study of combinatorics, probability, and graph theory. Math 416 covers the same topics as MATH 316. Students taking Math 416 will work advanced problems from these topics and do a special research project which requires a significant paper and an oral presentation. Students may not earn credit for both MATH 316 and Math 416.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MATH 142 or MATH 220 or CS 242 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated Not repeatable for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 418 - Topology

    Unit(s): 4
    Topics include definition of a topology, open & closed sets, continuous mappings, subspaces, bases and subbases of a topology, compact topological spaces, separation axioms, connected, path connected, normal spaces, regular spaces, metric spaces, product spaces, and quotient spaces. Will also include homotopy, the fundamental group, and covering spaces as time permits. Theorems include the Urysohn lemma, Tietze Extension Theorem, and the Tychonoff Theorem.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- of better in MATH 340 or consent of instructor. MATH 320 is recommended.
    Typically Offered Spring Alternate Years
    May Be Repeated Not repeatable for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 420 - Modern Algebra II

    See Addendum  for changes
    Unit(s): 4
    A continuation of MATH 320. Advanced topics in the theory of groups, rings, and fields. Depth in Algebra at a level expected of entering graduate students. Coverage will include topics such as the direct product of groups, finite Abelian groups, Sylow Theorems, unique factorization domains, field extensions, and Galois Theory.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MATH 320 or equivalent.
    Typically Offered Spring Alternate Years
    May Be Repeated Not repeatable for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 430 - Linear Systems Theory

    Unit(s): 3
    Topics may include correlation, convolution, Fourier, Laplace and z-transform, difference equations, fast Fourier transforms, and state variable theory.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- of better in MATH 241 or other differential equations course, or consent of instructor. Crosslisted: EE 400 and CES 400
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 431 - Applied Partial Differential Equations

    Unit(s): 4
    Topics covered in this course will include Introduction and Classification of PDEs, Mathematical models in physics and engineering, Theory and solution of quasilinear first-order PDEs, Power series solutions of an ODE, The Sturm separation theorem for second-order linear equations, Second-order linear and nonlinear PDEs including applications, Fourier series, boundary-value problems, Fourier and Laplace transforms, numerical methods and solutions, and approximation of solutions using the finite-difference method.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- of better in MATH 241 and (MATH 180 or CS 115), or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    May Be Repeated Not repeatable for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 440 - Real Analysis II

    Unit(s): 4
    Topics include sequences and series of functions, pointwise versus uniform convergence, power and Taylor series, Lebesgue measure, Lebesgue measurable functions and the Lebesgue integral. Additional topics may include the Weierstrass approximation theorem, orthogonal functions, Fourier series, square-integrable functions, sigma algebras of subsets, and general measure spaces.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- of better in MATH 340 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Alternate Years
    May Be Repeated Not repeatable for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 441 - Operations Research

    Unit(s): 3
    A course in operations research and industrial problem solving. Topics may include Student Optimization, simplex algorithm for linear programming, queueing theory, game theory, PERT least time path analysis, and mathematical modeling of industrial problems.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- of better in MATH 345 and (MATH 241 or MATH 222), or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Variable Intermittently
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 445 - Mathematical Statistics and Operations Research

    Unit(s): 4
    Topics include: properties of statistics, convergence in probability, theory of estimation and confidence intervals, Bayesian statistics, tests of significance, power and uniformly most powerful tests, random processes (with emphasis on queuing theory), and stationarity.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- of better in MATH 345 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 460 - Complex Analysis

    Unit(s): 4
    Topics will include the complex field, functions, limits, continuity, differentiation, the Cauchy-Riemann equations, conformal mappings, path integration, Cauchy’s Integral Theorem and Integral Formulas, the Liouville Theorems, the Laurent Expansion, singularities, poles, residues, contour integration. Additional topics may include topics such as Mittag-Leffler’s Partial-fractions Theorem, and Riemann surfaces.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- of better in MATH 340 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Alternate Years
    May Be Repeated Not repeatable for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MATH 465 - Experimental Design and Regression Analysis

    Unit(s): 4
    Advanced course in simple and multiple linear regression analysis; nonlinear and nonparametric regression analysis. Design of experiments and analysis of variance including one-way, two-way and block design; nonparametric techniques and multiple comparison methods.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- of better in (MATH 241 or MATH 222) and in MATH 265 and MATH 345 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 467 - Statistical Consulting, Communication, and Project Management

    Unit(s): 2
    This course is a blending of theoretical and practical aspects of statistical consulting. Students learn how to consult with professionals in various fields, find creative statistical solutions to real-world problems and present results in oral and written form. Students also learn about research and statistical software packages. MATH 467 covers the same topics as MATH 367. In addition, students taking MATH 467 will also learn how to oversee a statistical project completed by a team.

    Prerequisite(s): Grade of C- or better in MATH 367 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 470 - Mathematical and Statistical Modeling

    Unit(s): 4
    The process of expressing scientific principles, experiments, and conjectures in mathematical terms. Topics include: gathering reliable data, exposing underlying assumptions, variables, relationships, levels, refining of models, and stochastic models. Deterministic vs. stochastic, discrete vs continuous, and deductive vs statistical models. Applications to biology, physics, chemistry, geology, social science and environmental sciences.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of GE Golden Four (A1, A2, A3, B4) with a C- or better and completion of B1, B2 and at least 45 units. Grade of C- or better in MATH 211 or consent of instructor.
    GE Category: Upper Division B
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    May Be Repeated No
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MATH 485 - Selected Topics in …

    Unit(s): 1-3
    Subject matter and number of units to be determined by the instructor and may differ from semester to semester. Some of the possible areas of study are multivariable analysis, calculus of variations, convex geometry, differentiable manifolds, graph theory, Galois theory, algebraic topology, and integral equations.

    Typically Offered Variable Intermittently
    May Be Repeated This course may be repeated for up to 6 units. The course title will appear on the student’s transcript.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 490 - Capstone Seminar: Secondary Mathematics Teaching

    Unit(s): 1
    Seminar focusing on connections among undergraduate coursework, secondary school curriculum, and learning and teaching mathematics. Students present their completed Mathematics Subject Matter Program portfolios for final evaluation. Students draw upon their portfolios, experiences, and readings in mathematics education to present information and engage fellow students in discussion of relevant issues.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of 90 semester units or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Credit/No-Credit
  • MATH 495 - Special Studies

    Unit(s): 1-4
    Prerequisite(s): a lower-division math course and consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Variable Intermittently
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit up to 8 units.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 496 - Proseminar in Mathematics

    Unit(s): 1-3
    A mutual exploration of selected current issues in mathematics by members of the Mathematics faculty and Mathematics majors. Non-majors may enroll by permission of the instructors.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of at least 60 semester units .
    Typically Offered Variable Intermittently
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MATH 499 - Internship in Mathematics

    Unit(s): 1-3
    Field experience in mathematics, computer science, or statistics.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of Instructor.
    Typically Offered Variable Intermittently
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Credit/No-Credit
  • MATH 595 - Special Studies in Mathematics

    Unit(s): 1-4
    Subject matter and number of units to be determined by instructor and may differ from semester to semester. The course title will appear on the student’s transcript.

    Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Variable Intermittently
    May Be Repeated This course may be repeated with different subject matter for up to 12 units.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option

Modern Languages and Literatures

  • MLL 161A - Behind the Scenes: Global Perspectives through Film

    Unit(s): 2
    MLL 161A/MLL 161B is a year long course, which, combined with FR 101, GER 101, or SPAN 201, features weekly lectures and small seminars. It constitutes a Humanities Learning Community (HLC) for any first-year student.

    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MLL 161B - Behind the Scenes: Global Perspectives through Film

    Unit(s): 2
    MLL 161A/B is a year long course, which, combined with FR 101, GER 101, or SPAN 201, features weekly lectures and small seminars. It constitutes a Humanities Learning Community (HLC) for any first-year student.

    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MLL 214 - World Literatures in English

    Unit(s): 4
    Introduction to selected works of world literature from Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America and Mexico, and from the classic literatures of Greece and Rome. Background lectures on literature, literary genres, and the different cultural histories will be given. Basic techniques of reading, analysis, and composition will be emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): ENGL 101 
    GE Category: C2 - Humanities
    Typically Offered Variable Intermittently
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MLL 273 - World Literatures: Critical and Creative Readings

    Unit(s): 4
    This course explores world literature and its relationship to the history, culture, and society from which it originates. Topics may include western and non-western cultural and religious values, colonialism versus emerging nationalisms, and the quest for personal, cultural, and national identities. Techniques of reading, analysis, research and creativity will be emphasized.

    Prerequisite(s): completion of GE Category A2 (ENGL 101 or ENGL 100B) required.
    GE Category: C2 - Humanities
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MLL 314 - World Literatures in English Translation

    Unit(s): 4
    Studies in French-speaking Caribbean, African, Near Eastern, Asian, and/or North American literatures in English translation. Topics may include non-Western cultural and religious values, colonialism versus emerging nationalisms, and the quest for identity, personal, cultural, and national. May qualify as a Writing Intensive Course (WIC).

    Prerequisite(s): completion of GE Area A.
    GE Category: Satisfies GE Area C2 (Literature, Philosophies and Values).
    Typically Offered Variable Intermittently
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded


  • MUS 101 - Introduction to Music

    Unit(s): 3-4
    What does music mean? Why does music matter? These questions will shape the development of listening tools and cultural perspectives appropriate to the diverse and changing roles music plays in different times and places. No prior background in music is required.

    GE Category: Satisfies GE Area C3 (Comparative Perspectives and/or Foreign Languages).
    Typically Offered Not Recently Offered
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 105 - Music Theory for Non-Majors

    Unit(s): 4
    Through writing and analysis, this course incorporates the following concepts: rhythm and meter, basic properties of sound, intervals, diatonic scales and triads, diatonic chord progressions, basic cadential formulas, melodic and phrase structure, dominant seventh, and the use of music notation software. Not open to Music majors.

    GE Category: C1 - Arts
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 106 - Fundamentals of Music Theory

    Unit(s): 3
    Intensive practice in developing skill and fluency reading music notation. Aural and written practice recognizing, writing, and using intervals, scales, and key signatures. Beginning sight-singing and dictation using simple pitch and rhythmic materials. Should be taken concurrently with MUS 109. Restricted to Music majors and minors; open to non-majors only with consent of instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): Course restricted to MUS majors and minors only.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 109 - Intensive Keyboard Lab I

    Unit(s): 2
    Beginning class piano studies for Music Majors.

    Prerequisite(s): open to Music majors and minors only and recommendation of a music advisor.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 110 - Theory I: Diatonicism

    Unit(s): 3
    This course incorporates the concepts from MUS 106. In addition, through writing and analysis, the course will include: introduction to sequence, secondary dominants, modulation to closely related keys, secondary leading tones, diminished seventh and non-dominant 7th chords, and borrowed chords will be addressed. Figured bass, non-harmonic tones, melodic and phrase structure, and voice leading involving 4 part choral writing. Use of music notation software. A concurrent laboratory experience in ear training and sight-singing including melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation is required. See Ear Training I.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 105 or MUS 106 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 115 - Vocal Methods

    Unit(s): 1
    Group and individual explorations of the fundamental techniques of singing. Develop strategies to address tone production, breath control, diction, repertory, and interpretation. Music Education students learn basic vocal pedagogy. Offered for upper-division credit as MUS 415 with additional course requirements.

    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 118 - Guitar Methods

    Unit(s): 1
    An exploration of basic performance techniques, and pedagogy and teaching strategies for guitar. Offered for upper-division credit as MUS 418.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Odd Years
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 120 - Musicianship I

    Development of sight-singing and dictation skills using pentatonic and diatonic materials. Techniques include moveable-do solfa, drills in intervals, triads, and dictation, augmented by computer software and group work. Also emphasizes development of broad listening skills, using examples of great works based upon simple diatonic melodies.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 106 or equivalent.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    May Be Repeated No
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face & Online Grading: Graded
  • MUS 122 - Strings Methods I (Violin/Viola

    Unit(s): 1
    An exploration of basic performance techniques, instrumental pedagogy and teaching strategies associated with teaching violin and viola in the public schools.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 106 or the equivalent and/or consent of the Instructor and Director of Music Education.
    Typically Offered Fall Even Years
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 123 - Woodwinds Methods I (Clarinet/Saxophone

    Unit(s): 1
    An exploration of basic performance techniques, instrumental pedagogy and teaching strategies associated with teaching clarinet and saxophone in the public schools.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 106 or the equivalent and/or consent of the Instructor and Director of Music Education.
    Typically Offered Spring Even Years
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 124 - Brass Methods I (Trumpet/Trombone

    Unit(s): 1
    An exploration of basic performance techniques, instrumental pedagogy and teaching strategies associated with teaching trumpet and trombone in the public schools.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 106 or the equivalent and/or consent of the Instructor and Director of Music Education.
    Typically Offered Fall Odd Years
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 129 - Percussion Methods

    Unit(s): 1
    An exploration of basic performance techniques, and pedagogy and teaching strategies associated with standard percussion instruments. Offered for upper-division credit as MUS 429.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Odd Years
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 133 - Private Instruction-Strings

    Unit(s): 1
    Private instruction on one instrument.

    Prerequisite(s): audition.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 134 - Private Instruction-Woodwinds

    Unit(s): 1
    Private instruction on one instrument.

    Prerequisite(s): audition.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 137 - Private Instruction-Brass

    Unit(s): 1
    Private instruction on one instrument.

    Prerequisite(s): audition.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 138 - Private Instruction-Percussion

    Unit(s): 1
    Private instruction on percussion instruments.

    Prerequisite(s): audition.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 139 - Private Instruction-Keyboard

    Unit(s): 1
    Private instruction on one keyboard instrument.

    Prerequisite(s): audition.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 141 - Private Instruction-Voice

    Unit(s): 1
    Private voice instruction. Advanced individual study of voice.

    Prerequisite(s): audition.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 143 - Private Instruction-Guitar

    Unit(s): 1
    Private guitar instruction.

    Prerequisite(s): audition.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 147 - Applied Music Studies

    Unit(s): 1
    Advanced individual study of instrument or voice. Instructor permission required.

    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 149 - Rehearsal Observation Series

    Unit(s): 1
    The Rehearsal Observation Series is a Credit / No Credit course, which brings students to the forefront of the music making process. It corroborates the “doing/experiencing” philosophy of the music department, linking that directly to curriculum. It helps non-musicians particularly understand how this mystery that is music actually works. Rehearsal observations occur on a regular basis. Attendance is mandatory and a required Rehearsal Observation Form is submitted after each rehearsal.

    GE Category: C1 - Arts
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Credit/No-Credit
  • MUS 150 - Survey of U.S. Music

    Unit(s): 3
    An introductory course with lectures and demonstrations dealing with the broad range of music in the United States from the Colonial period to the present.

    GE Category: C1 - Arts
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 151 - Repertory Class

    Unit(s): 1
    This class provides an opportunity for students to perform their repertory in a group setting. Private instruction faculty and guest artists coach students in technique, interpretation, and presentation. Classes are normally offered for voice and classical instrumental. Also offered for upper-division credit as MUS 451.

    Prerequisite(s): Course restricted to Music Majors only. Co-requisite(s): concurrent enrollment in appropriate private instruction course.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 159 - Audio and Recording Production I

    Unit(s): 1
    Fundamentals of audio and recording production in a studio and of live performances. Discussion and demonstrations of major types of software and/or hardware used in the production of music including creative and innovative methods. Students will develop skills in all phases of studio and live performance operation and will complete a number of individual projects.

    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 160A - Musicking 101

    Unit(s): 4
    Music 160 is a year-long crash course in listening to, writing about, thinking about, practicing, performing, and making a career in music. We will explore music from all around the world and throughout history, and consider a variety of questions including: What are the modes of listening available to us? What should we listen for in music? How can one write effectively and engagingly about music? How can one speak effectively and engagingly about music? How do different cultures define music differently? What are the cross-cultural elements of music? How does one go about making a career in music? How can one develop strategies to most effectively practice music? How can one develop strategies to achieve “peak” performances of music? How can one develop coping skills for stage fright, stress, anxiety and perform with joy and confidence? What wellness and lifestyle strategies are most effective in leading to a healthy, happy lifetime of music-making?

    Prerequisite(s): This course is part of a learning community reserved for first-year students.
    GE Category: A3 - Critical Thinking
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    May Be Repeated No
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face, Hybrid & Online Grading: Graded
  • MUS 160B - Musicking 101

    Unit(s): 4
    Music 160 is a year-long crash course in listening to, writing about, thinking about, practicing, performing, and making a career in music. We will explore music from all around the world and throughout history, and consider a variety of questions including: What are the modes of listening available to us? What should we listen for in music? How can one write effectively and engagingly about music? How can one speak effectively and engagingly about music? How do different cultures define music differently? What are the cross-cultural elements of music? How does one go about making a career in music? How can one develop strategies to most effectively practice music? How can one develop strategies to achieve “peak” performances of music? How can one develop coping skills for stage fright, stress, anxiety and perform with joy and confidence? What wellness and lifestyle strategies are most effective in leading to a healthy, happy lifetime of music-making?

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 160A.
    GE Category: C2 - Humanities
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    May Be Repeated No
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face, Hybrid & Online Grading: Graded
  • MUS 189 - Jazz Improvisation I

    Unit(s): 2
    An exploration and development of basic jazz vocabulary, including scales, chords, rhythm, and techniques used in melodic improvisation.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 105, MUS 106 and consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 199 - Student-Instructed Course

    Unit(s): 1-3
    Topic will differ each semester.

    Typically Offered Not Recently Offered
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Credit/No-Credit
  • MUS 201 - Music in Action

    Unit(s): 4
    Experience live classical, jazz, and world music performances created by today’s musicians, students, and professionals. In-class discussions allow students to build a vocabulary about the performances they will review. The capstone experience is a small group presentation on an area of music mutually chosen. Attendance is required at seven on-campus, free-admission performances.

    GE Category: Satisfies GE Area C3.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 209 - Intensive Keyboard Lab II

    Unit(s): 2
    A continuation of work begun in MUS 109.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 109 or consent of the instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 210 - Theory II: Chromaticism

    Unit(s): 3
    This course incorporates the concepts from Music Theory II. In addition, through writing and analysis, the course will include: Neapolitan and augmented sixth chords; chromatic harmony; altered chords and dominants; mixture chords; modulation to distantly related keys; 9th, 11th, and 13th chords; melodic, phrase, and theme structure; and voice leading involving four part choral writing. Use of music notation software. A concurrent laboratory experience in ear training and sight-singing including melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation is required. See Musicianship II.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 110 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 212 - Jazz Harmony and Arranging I

    Unit(s): 3
    Study of basic melodic and harmonic materials commonly used in jazz. Application through arranging projects for small jazz groups.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 110 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 220 - Musicianship II

    Unit(s): 2
    Continuation of Musicianship I. Sight-singing progresses to two-, three-, and four-part music, incorporating the most common chromatic tones. Dictation focuses upon triad inversions and seventh chords, continuing development of melodic and rhythmic dictation skills, and the introduction of polyphonic dictation. Students learn examples from great works to improve listening skills.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 120 or equivalent.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 227 - Concert Band

    Unit(s): 1-2
    The Concert Band is an intermediate level ensemble that provides students with opportunities to continue performing on woodwind, brass or percussion instruments. Enrollment is open to all SSU students and community members, regardless of skill level. No audition is required. The ensemble typically performs 1-2 concerts per semester.

    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 250 - Survey of European Music

    Unit(s): 3
    An introductory course with lectures and demonstrations dealing with classical European music from the Middle Ages to contemporary music.

    GE Category: C1 - Arts
    Typically Offered Variable Intermittently
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 251 - History of Western Music, Ancient World to 1750

    Unit(s): 3
    History of Western music from the ancient world to 1750. The course examines the evolution of musical genres and styles, from the ancient Greeks and the earliest plainchant of the Medieval church to the intricate polyphony of the High Baroque including the music of Bach and Handel. Listening and analytical study of specific compositions requires the student to have a working knowledge of musical notation and theory. Restricted to music majors and minors; open to non-majors only with the consent of the instructor.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 110 or consent of the instructor.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 259 - Music Technology: Tools and Applications

    Unit(s): 2-3
    A hands-on survey of hardware and software resources for music notation, midi sequencing, digital recording and synthesizer operation. The focus will be on building basic skills for using these tools in real-world situations.

    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 273 - Music and Society: Critical Readings and Reception

    Unit(s): 4
    This course explores the connections between music and the sociopolitical and cultural trends of a given era, or theme involving the consideration of musical compositions, historical texts, and performance practice.

    Prerequisite(s): completion of GE Category A2 (ENGL 101 or ENGL 100B) required.
    GE Category: C2 - Humanities
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 289 - Jazz Improvisation II

    Unit(s): 3
    Basic voiceleading techniques for improvising on common functional chord progressions: blues, “Rhythm” changes, and various “standards.”

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 110 and MUS 189 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 292 - Jazz Piano I

    Unit(s): 1
    An introduction to jazz improvisation at the keyboard. Emphasis is placed on developing skill in reading lead sheets, in chord substitution and voicing at the keyboard, and in creating an improvised “piano trio” texture.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 209 or consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 300 - Seminar

    Unit(s): 3
    An intensive study, for Music majors, of the history, theory, or research methodology of a specific topic in music.

    Prerequisite(s): 9 units of theory, or consent of instructor; MUS 251 and MUS 351  Co-requisite(s): concurrent enrollment in MUS 320 
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit under different subtitles.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 309A - Keyboard Proficiency Lab

    Unit(s): 1
    Intermediate Level class in piano with emphasis on classical music.

    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 309B - Keyboard Proficiency Lab

    Unit(s): 1
    Continuation of MUS 309A with more advanced studies of keyboard classical music.

    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 310 - Theory III: Form and Analysis

    Unit(s): 3
    This course incorporates the concepts from Music Theory I and II. In addition, through analysis from the macro to the micro large-scale form, orchestration, motive identification and tracking, detailed harmonic progression (sonorities, functions, and modulation types) are studied. Variation techniques, binary and ternary forms, sonata forms, and contrapuntal forms are included in the study of such composers as Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, and Mahler. Use of music notation software. A concurrent laboratory experience in ear training and sight-singing including melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation is required. See Musicianship III.

    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 312 - Jazz Harmony and Arranging II

    Unit(s): 3
    A continuation of MUS 212. Study of advanced melodic and harmonic materials commonly used in jazz. Application through arranging projects for small (saxophone ensemble) and large (big band) jazz groups.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 212 
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 313 - Choral Arranging

    Unit(s): 2
    An exploration of the fundamental practices or arranging for choral ensembles. Students will create arrangements for a variety of choral settings with and without accompaniment.

    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 314 - Orchestration

    Unit(s): 2
    An exploration of fundamental techniques of instrumental and choral arranging. Students will develop familiarity with instrumental and vocal ranges, transpositions, the characteristic sounds of different families of instruments, and various tone color combinations. Students will create arrangements for a variety of ensembles.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 210, MUS 220. Familiarity with woodwind, brass, and/or string instruments is recommended. Consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Variable Intermittently
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 315 - Diction - English/Italian

    Unit(s): 1-2
    This hands-on course complements vocal instruction and theatre arts classes through diction training. Students will learn to use the “International Phonetic Alphabet” to help them analyze and transliterate English and dialects for the stage, Italian and English songs, and arias.

    Typically Offered Fall Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 316 - Diction - French and German

    Unit(s): 1-2
    A continuation of MUS 315. Students will learn to use the “International Phonetic Alphabet” to help them analyze and transliterate songs and texts in French and German.

    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 320 - Musicianship III

    Continued development of sight-singing and dictation skills. Techniques include solfa using moveable do and drills in rhythm and meter, intervals, triads, seventh chords, and full melodies. Emphasizes broad listening skills and memory through frequent melodic and harmonic dictation exercises. Through examples from the 18th and 19th centuries the course will explore modes, chromatic melodies and harmonic progressions, secondary dominants, and modulation.

    Prerequisite(s): MUS 220 or equivalent.
    Typically Offered Spring Only
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Graded
  • MUS 323 - Concert Choir

    Unit(s): 1-2
    Repertoire includes a variety of short and medium length choral compositions, including a cappella music and/or works accompanied by light instrumentation, and represents all historical periods and styles from early classics to contemporary works. No previous choral experience required; singers will be given a placement audition after enrolling.

    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 325 - Symphonic Chorus

    Unit(s): 1-2
    Large chorus featuring a wide range of accompanied and a cappella literature. Emphasis placed on development of vocal technique, musicianship skills, and preparation of repertoire. Includes public performances. Enrollment by audition only.

    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 326 - Guitar Ensemble

    Unit(s): 1-2
    The course focuses on all aspects of the literature for multiple guitars: performance, listening, sight-reading and technique. A wide variety of repertory is covered and a public performance is required. Project proposals from class members are welcomed.

    Prerequisite(s): consent of instructor.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 327 - Symphonic Wind Ensemble

    Unit(s): 1-2
    The SSU Symphonic Wind Ensemble is a large wind band dedicated to the study and performance of a wide variety of wind band literature. Membership is open to all University students. Auditions for part assignments are held at the beginning of each semester. The SWE performs 2–4 concerts each semester and the course has a mandatory concert performance requirement.

    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 328 - Symphony Orchestra

    Unit(s): 1-2
    The Symphony Orchestra performs a diverse array of orchestral literature, ranging from the Baroque period to world premieres and from classical repertoire to film, opera, and educational works. In addition to performing 2–4 concerts each year in the campus’s beautiful Weill Hall, the Symphony Orchestra performs regularly on tour throughout California and beyond.

    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 329 - Chamber Music Ensembles

    Unit(s): 1-2
    Enrolled students will be assigned to various ensembles according to instrumentation and expertise. During each semester outstanding musicians from the Bay Area will coach each ensemble. Course culminates in a series of public performances. Admission by audition.

    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 330 - Musical Theatre Production

    Unit(s): 1-3
    A course devoted to the study and public performance of major works of operatic and musical theatre literature. Designed for singers, actors, and others interested in music theatre. The capstone is a fully staged, orchestrally accompanied performance.

    Prerequisite(s): by audition, in August only.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 340 - Musical Theatre Scenes Workshop

    Unit(s): 1-3
    A performance course designed to broaden student’s familiarity with the opera and musical theatre repertoire. Students have input regarding literature and often write their own scenes. The class is open to all students.

    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 342 - History of Jazz

    Unit(s): 1-3
    The study of jazz from its origins to the present. Listening to music is the core of the class; emphasis is on developing skill in recognizing and describing what happens in classic performances. The changing styles of jazz are related to the social and cultural context of the music in each style period.

    Typically Offered Spring Odd Years
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 343 - Studies in Musical Genres

    Unit(s): 3
    An in-depth study of a particular type of music. Course activities will include lecture, listening, and in-class performances.

    GE Category: Satisfies GE Area C1.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face, Hybrid & Online Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 344 - Studies-Specific Composers

    Unit(s): 3
    An in-depth study of the life and works of a single composer. Course activities will include lecture, listening, and in-class performances.

    GE Category: Satisfies GE Area C1.
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 346 - Studies in Music Theory

    Unit(s): 1-3
    The detailed study of a particular theoretical system in music.

    Typically Offered Not Recently Offered
    May Be Repeated May be repeated for credit with consent of the instructor.
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 347 - Studies in World Music

    Unit(s): 1-3
    The detailed study of the music of a particular country or area outside the Western European musical tradition.

    Typically Offered Not Recently Offered
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option
  • MUS 350 - Survey of World Music

    Unit(s): 4
    This class examines the world’s musical cultures with an emphasis on musical repertoires and how they relate to social, cultural, and religious contexts. Students are encouraged to show their musical talents and participate in learning a few melodies and rhythms.

    GE Category: Satisfies GE Area C3 (Comparative Perspectives).
    Typically Offered Fall & Spring
    Teaching Mode: Face-to-Face Grading: Student Option

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