Program Learning Outcomes
The program learning outcomes are identical to the Early Childhood PK-3 Instructional Specialist Credential Teaching Performance Expectations, mapped onto courses in the PK-3 credential. The seven major areas for program learning outcomes are outlined below:
The program learning outcomes are identical to the Early Childhood PK-3 Instructional Specialist Credential Teaching Performance Expectations, mapped onto courses in the PK-3 credential.
The seven major areas for program learning outcomes are outlined below:
TPE Domain 1: Engaging and Supporting All Young Children in Learning
TPE Domain 2: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Children’s Development and Learning
TPE Domain 3: Understanding and Organizing Core Curriculum for Children’s Learning
TPE Domain 4: Planning Instruction and Designing Developmentally Appropriate Learning Experiences for All Children
TPE Domain 5: Assessing and Documenting Children’s Development and Learning
TPE Domain 6: Developing as a Professional Early Childhood Educator
TPE Domain 7: Effective Literacy Instruction for PK-3 Settings
TPE Domain 8: Effective Mathematics Instruction in a PK-3 Setting