Dec 12, 2024  
2019-2020 General Catalog 
2019-2020 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Art History, B.A.

Many of the courses required for the degree have prerequisites. Consult course descriptions for details.

  Degree Requirements Units  
  General education 48  
  Major core requirements 43  
  General electives 29  
  Total units needed for graduation 120  

Note: Reading comprehension of at least one foreign language is essential for Art History majors. Students are advised to develop competence in French, German, Italian, and/or Spanish; however, the prospect of eventual specialization may make other languages advisable in particular instances.

Requirements for the Major

Foundation Courses / Freshman and Sophomore Years (12 Units)

Lower-Division Studio/Language Courses (5-8 lower-division units)

Core Courses / Junior And Senior Years (15 - 20 Units)

Period Courses: Students must complete requirements A, B, and C

A) One upper-division course from three of the five categories listed below (three courses total):

B) Modern/Contemporary

One upper-division course required:

C) Non-Western

One upper- or lower-division course required:

Recommended Electives for All Art History Majors (7 - 12 Units)

In consultation with the advisor, the art history major will choose additional language courses and/or upper-division courses from any of the following:

  1. A, B and C above; and Gallery and Museum Methods (ARTH 494 ).
  2. Special topic courses (ARTH 480 ).
  3. Course in a related field outside the Art Department with approval of the faculty and the department chair. Examples include but are not limited to:

Capstone Experience (4 - 6 Units)

All students must complete a senior project consisting of the following:

  1. ARTH 490 - Seminar in Visual Art and Culture  (4 units). Students must complete two papers in upper-division courses before being admitted to the pro-seminar.
  2. Senior Thesis: With prior approval, students may write a scholarly paper overseen by two art history faculty. The student receives assistance in preparing this paper by enrolling in one of the following courses:
  • Unit(s): 1-2 (2 Credit(s) Required) by consent of art history faculty.
  • Student must enroll in one unit of ARTH 492 concurrently with two different advisors


Minimum total lower-division units: 11

Minimum total upper-division units: 32

Minimum total units in the major: 43

Sample Four-Year Program

* also counts for GE requirements

Bachelor of Arts in Art History

Freshman Year: 30-32 Units

Fall Semester (16-17 Units)

Spring Semester (14-15 Units)

Sophomore Year: 30-32 Units

Fall Semester (15-16 Units)

  • Upper-Division ARTH Period Course
  • GE Courses  
Spring Semester (15-16 Units)

Junior Year: 28-32 Units

Fall Semester (13-16 Units)

  • Upper-Div. ARTH Period Course *
  • Upper-Div. ARTH Period Course
  • Upper-Division GE  
  • Upper-Division ARTH Special Topic
  • Elective
Spring Semester (13-16 Units)

  • Upper-Div. ARTH Period Course
  • Upper-Division ARTH Elective
  • Upper-Division GE  
  • Elective

Senior Year: 28-32 Units

Fall Semester (12-16 Units)

Spring Semester (13-16 Units)

Total Units: 120