Mar 02, 2025
2022-2023 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Human Development, B.A.
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The Human Development (HD) Program offers an interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts degree that focuses on human growth and development across the life course, the underlying processes and structures that support that development, and the relationships between the individual and the complex familial, social, and cultural environments in which development is situated.
The Human Development Program has two components. Pre-Human Development is not impacted and is not a degree-granting program. Pre-Human Development is open to all SSU undergraduates. Students must be in Pre-Human Development and complete the Pre-Human Development curriculum before they can apply to Human Development, which is an impacted major. Being Pre-Human Development does not guarantee admission into the Human Development major. Pre-Human Development students who complete the curriculum will be ranked by GPA when they apply to the major. Students who are interested in the Human Development major should declare Pre-Human Development as early as possible and use the sample four-year plan as a guide for completing the Pre-Human Development curriculum and the Human Development major.
Program Learning Outcomes
Human Development Majors will master the following learning outcomes by the time they graduate:
- Recognize the way in which the life course comes to be culturally shaped as well as inflected by social positions such as gender, race, sexuality and class.
- Evaluate the variety of concepts and theories that shape scholarship and practice in human development, including from biological, social, cultural and psychological perspectives.
- Experience designing, undertaking, and presenting research that is empirically rigrous as well as ethically and methodologically sound.
- Identify the way that human development knowledge informs practices in applied settings focused on issues such as learning and education, health and wellness, social justice and community advocacy, and the social contexts of disability.
- Critically reflect on how human development knowledge can be used to facilitate positive change in the life course, especially in contexts of inequality and structural violence.
Learn more about the Human Development Program
Pre-Human Development
Students must declare Pre-Human Development and complete the following requirements before being accepted into the Human Development major:
- 2.5 overall and SSU GPA.
- Completion of 30 units of GE coursework including:
Complete the following with a C- or better:
- A1 (3 units)
- A2 (3 units)
- A3 (3 units)
Complete the following with a C or better:
- B2 (3-4 units)
- B4 with MATH 165 Elementary Statistics or equivalent from another institution (4 units)
- A Social Sciences Foundation class: ANTH 203 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology or PSY 250 Introduction to Psychology or SOCI 201 Introduction to Sociology or equivalent from another institution (3 units)
- A Language Foundation class: ANTH 200 Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (3 units) or equivalent from another institution (recommended). Students may complete this requirement with ENGL 203 Introduction to Linguistic Studies (4 units), but ENGL 203 fulfills the D1 GE area. Students who wish to complete the most GE areas while completing the Pre-Human Development curriculum should take ANTH 200.
- Additional lower division GE coursework (e.g., B1, D3, D4, science lab) with a passing grade to reach 30 units. Pre-Human Development majors looking for a GE area E course are encouraged to consider HD 200 (Introduction to Human Aging; GE-E), which also fulfills the Adulthood and Lifespan Topical Area for the Human Development major.
Degree Requirements
See the “Degree Requirements ” in the University Catalog for complete details on general degree requirements. General Education Requirements (48 units) See the “General Education Program ” requirements in the University Catalog for information on General Education requirements. Some major requirements may double count for GE requirements. Major Core Requirements
Applicants to the Human Development major should expect it to take three (3) semesters to complete the Major Core Requirements. Topical Areas
Four courses, one from each topical area, taken from at least three different departments. EDXX count as one department and crosslisted courses count as the same department. Childhood and Adolescence
(at least 1 course) Adulthood and Lifespan
(at least 1 course) Gender and Sexuality
(at least 1 course) Society, Culture and Language
(at least 1 course) Electives
(as needed to get to 40 units) Units
Total core requirements: 20 Units Total in topical areas: 12-20 Units Sample Four-Year Program
The Four year Plan is a sample study plan. The sequence and specific courses given are suggestive; please see an advisor each semester to plan your personal program and track your progress using the Academic Requirements Report (ARR) in MYSSU. Courses may be interchanged fall and spring semester depending on course offering each semester. General Education Notes: - GE Areas A2 and B4 should be completed by the end of the first year. Some students may take year-long courses for GE A2 and/or B4.
- GE Area A1 and A3 should be completed by the end of the second year
- Students should enroll in Upper Division GE courses after completion of Areas A1, A2, A3, and B4 with a C- or better, lower division GE in that area, and 45 units total.
- Not all First-Year Learning Communities (FLC’s) meet the same GE areas.
- GE Area D must be taken in two different subject areas across the nine total required units in lower division (LD) and upper division (UD).
- Students must take American Institution requirements in U.S. History and U.S. Constitution/California State and Local Government. These requirements may be met in GE.
Freshman Year: Minimum of 30 Units
Fall Semester (15-16 Units)
- Units: 3
- Units: 3-4
- Units: 3-4
- Units: 3-4
- University Elective Units: 1-2
Spring Semester (15 Units)
Take just one of ANTH 203, PSY 250 or SOCI 201, in addition to ANTH 200. Additional courses must be taken to reach 15 units. Sophomore Year: Minimum of 30 Units
Fall Semester (15 Units)
Additional courses must be taken to reach 15 units.
Spring Semester (15 Units)
- Lower Division GE B3 Units: 3-4
- Units: 4
- Units: 3-4
- University Elective (3-4)
Junior Year: Minimum of 30 Units
Fall Semester (15 Units)
Additional courses must be taken to reach 15 units.
Spring Semester (15-16 Units)
Additional courses must be taken to reach 15 units.
Senior Year: Minimum of 30 Units
Fall Semester (15-16 Units)
Additional courses must be taken to reach 15 units.
Spring Semester (15 Units)
Additional courses must be taken to reach 15 units.
Total Units: 120
* Pre-HD requirement. Must be completed with required grade, along with 30 units of lower division GE before the student can apply to the HD major. In this 4-year plan, the student is on track to complete the Pre-HD curriculum by the end of the Fall semester of sophomore year. ** If needed to reach 15 units. ***HD CA/AL/GS/SCL Course refers to courses that make up the Topical Area Requirements for the major: CA=Childhood and Adolescence; AL=Adulthood and Lifespan; GS=Gender and Sexual-ity; SCL=Society, Culture and Language ****At least two courses must be upper division GE and one must be outside GE area E. Upper division GE courses must be taken after the student achieves junior standing (60 units completed). |
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